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Our story

This is a short tale of how Hornskov København came to be.

Hornskov København founder, Peter Robert, had been a hat wearer for as long as he could remember, but he always had trouble finding good hats in the right size, in the right colour and with that something special, that gives hats their own life and character. There were no custom hat makers left in Denmark. There was no place to go, to get your own hat made just the way you wanted it to be.

Peter had for a long time been struggling with finding his path and his purpose, but a video of a hat maker on youtube, combined with his love for headwear and his headaches when shopping for hats, made him realise that he was meant to be a hat maker.

That led to Peter spending almost every hour of every day, searching for knowledge on hat making and tracking down old hat making equipment, which in itself was a major task, as hat making had been a dying trade for decades, leaving all equipment and machines to decay. 

After months of researching it was finally time to start making hats. As there were no places to go to, to learn hat making in Denmark, Peter had to learn everything the hard way. That meant a lot a material wasted and lots of old hats torn apart to try and figure out how they were put together. This did however result in some good pictures which were then posted to Instagram to see if there would be any interest at all in these handmade custom hats.

The interest was overwhelming. After a few weeks, thousands of people had seen his hats and he therefore decided to try and make a business of it. The crowdfunding platform "Kickstarter" played a huge role in making that happen. Within a month almost 60 hats were sold, which suddenly made the small setup Peter had in his girlfriend Cathrine's flat, seem inadequate

Therefore Cathrine decided to join the adventure, she quit her job to help Peter run the business and to find a suitable workshop space, so that she could get her flat back.

Not long after, they got married and had a beautiful baby daughter and are now finally living the dream of running their own hat company.